Pregnancy Medical Home: Improving Maternal & Infant Outcomes in the Medicaid Population

June 2021 PMH Data Brief
Click to download CCNC's latest data brief:
"The Maternal-Infant Impactability Score™ (MIIS) for Care Managers: A Demonstrated Approach for Reducing Low Birth Weight Through Pregnancy Care Management"
MIIS Implementation

Community Care of North Carolina (CCNC) launched the Pregnancy Medical Home (PMH) program in 2011, to enhance access to comprehensive care for pregnant Medicaid beneficiaries and to improve birth outcomes. The PMH program promotes evidence-based, high-quality maternity care in more than 400 practices across the state. PMH practices represent 95% percent of prenatal care providers who serve the Medicaid population.
NASEM presentation by Dr. Kate Menard
CCNC gives presentation on advancing maternal health equity and reducing maternal mortality during a workshop hosted by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering & Medicine (NASEM). The PDF presentation by M. Kathryn Menard, MD, MPH, distinguished professor of maternal-fetal medicine at UNC Chapel Hill and medical director of CCNC's Pregnancy Medical Home program, can be found alongside additional information on NASEM's website here.
Monthly PMH Newsletters
- September 2020
- October 2020
- November 2020
- December 2020
- January 2021
- February 2021
- March 2021
- June 2021
Majority OB Medicaid "MOM" Workgroup
- December 9, 2020 - Don't Leave Money on the Table: slide deck and recording
- January 14, 2021 - Sterilization Denials: slide deck
- February 11, 2021 - OB Ultrasound Denials: slide deck and recording
- March 11, 2021 - Managed Care High Level Overview: slide deck and recording
- April 11, 2021 - Beneficiary Enrollment/Newborn Eligibility/Updated Circumcision Policy: slide deck and recording
- May 13, 2021 - Managed Care & OB Specific Q&A: slide deck
- June 10, 2021 - Great Resources to Have on Hand: slide deck and recording