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Click here to read the article, entitled "Organizing Care for Complex Patients in the Patient-Centered Medical Home"

An analysis of Medicaid data by consulting firm Milliman, Inc, has found that CCNC saved North Carolina nearly a billion dollars over a four-year period from 2007 through 2010

"First in Health," a public private partnership promote medical homes is announced at the annual meeting of the N.C. Institute of Medicine in Raleigh

Denise Levis-Hewson testifies before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee to give congressional testimony

Treo Solutions analyzes projected costs the state of North Carolina would incur if CCNC did not exist

More than 200 clinics and practices sign on to CCNC's new program: Pregnancy Medical Home

Read the White House press release here

The Ash Institute for Democratic Governance and Innovation presented the award to CCNC at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government